Category Archives: Commentary
Valentines Day
Yesterday, today, Always. Yeah, yeah I know… but this song is so Stax and is so right on for so many reasons (including the mini!) … and it kicks ass.
Oh God… I’ve become a whinging pom
Winding my way through the narrow, up-and-down streets of Highgate Hill in Brisbane, I finally admitted to myself that I was lost, really lost. It turned out that I had missed the turnoff for my destination by one street, which … Continue reading
Preserving culture in a gladstone bag
We must have looked an odd threesome marching in silence together towards our respective homes at days end along the dusty, unsealed footpath that ran beside Samford Road from the Ferny Grove railway station. My two next door neighbours and … Continue reading
Talkin’ Strine
A lotta people ask me if there’s any diff’rences between Strine and the way ‘mericans talk. Well the short answer is yes, we make sense. And youse blokes’ don’t know what yer on about ‘alf the time. But fer the … Continue reading
Laugh at at it you miserable bastard
Today I posted this joke on my facebook wall – I rear-ended a car this morning…the start of a really bad day! The driver got out of the other car, and he was a dwarf He looked up at me … Continue reading →