Author Archives: Simon
My monthly indulgence
To the three missing ladies : a hot song xxx . Go Adele. Which reminds me of how much I resent this economy … in matters of love… timing is crucial.
My despondency level hasn’t been so high since Andrew, who has always been impulsive, decided to marry that trollop Ferguson or when the extremely rare George IV coronation mug (value: at least £3500) failed to raise a single bid at … Continue reading
Progress… they just are
The Bloke Show Update For weeks now I have been writing in a rather disquieting/disquieted voice. Its not my voice entirely , although there must be a large chunk of me in it. One of my best mates Dave Feeney … Continue reading
Still missing mine. I’ve gotta say there’s hell to pay for ’em- but they’re so worth it.
The trouble with Facebook is you Pt 3
This post is a continuation of – The trouble with Facebook is you Parts 1 and 2 There’s nothing wrong with Facebook, I’ve got nothing against FB or Mark Zuckerberg personally or anything, I don’t even know the bloke. But … Continue reading →