Author Archives: Simon
SIMON’S EASTER EGG Before anyone gets upset this song is influenced by Camus’ novel L’Étranger (The Stranger) . It’s about honesty and environment and disclosure.
Continuing the Tradition – Streaking
A play-off game at Lang Park was never complete without some wally (no disrespect to The King) having one too many, disrobing, leaping the fence and waltzing across the field to pat their favorite player on the back to thank … Continue reading
Easter Cartoons
A collection of worthy cartoons I have scoured for whilst surfing to bring you some joy on an otherwise dour, albeit chocolate covered holiday. Most cartoons have their source somewhere on them and I strongly encourage you to visit those … Continue reading
Redmond is an abomination
Every time a wedding takes place in Redmond, the cure for cancer is setback three years. And Christina Aguilera inches her way ever closer to becoming a 7. The greenies like to point at climate change, the loony right like … Continue reading
Twitter – where George Carlin went to die
Some people have no idea what they’re doing, and a lot of them are really good at it – George Carlin (100 characters) Facebook is a conversation; twitter is a shouting match. Facebook is a user-constructed environment; twitter is a … Continue reading →